
Mostrando las entradas de julio, 2017

Administration Business International

INCOTERMS 2010 In the context of the globalization process, Significant transformations that operate in the political, social and especially Important Challenges In the legal sphere. These challenges require the intervention of a law which, in the Innovate, adapt to these changes and Be an instrument that will achieve Ensure both the constant development of better cooperation mechanisms Such as the effective regulation of the markets, but without imposing demands That may distort the free traffic of goods. In this context, it represents Importance of the study of terms Facilitate this task as are INCOTERMS. INCOTERMS are not: . There are no laws and they are not obligatory between the parties . No child transportation term . No insurance term child . No child payment terms . They do not determine the transfer of ownership of the merchandise . It does not involve recourse to ICC arbitration. Because of the above, this article will at